Assylkhanova Aigerim, doctoral candidate


Research topics:

Tourism development in post-socialist context



MSc in Geography – Urban planning specialization (University of Szeged)
BSc in Tourism Management (L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University)

Language skills:

Kazakh – mother tongue, English C1, Russian C2, Turkish B1, Spanish A2


Tourism geography

Research topics:

Spatial processes in tourism. Dark tourism development in post-socialist context. From theory to practice

Professional public activity:

Honors, awards:

Stipendium Hungaricum Scholarship

Selected publications:


Publishing house, (release date)


Type of publication


Economical analysis of MICE tourism development in Kazakhstan

Scopus, Espacios Revista Vol. 40 (Number 6), year 2019. Page 28

Mussina K.P., Teleubay Zh.B., Mutaliyeva L.M., Baitenova L.M.

Journal article


Integration – the Best Way of Tourism Development

Innovation Management and Technology in the Era of Globalization

Teleubay Zh.B., Mussina K.P.

Journal article


Prospects of development of dark tourism in the Republic of Kazakhstan

Economic sciences. Current status and development prospects: a collection of articles of the VI International Student Scientific and Practical Conference. - Yekaterinburg: IMPRUV Publishing House, 2017

Teleubay Zh.B., Gizzatzhanovna A.G.

Conference proceedings


The essence and foreign experience of MICE tourism

ICSN “Science and Education”, 2018

Mussina K.P.

Journal article


The essence of business tourism and foreign experience of MICE tourism

Actual scientific research in the modern world, ISCIENCE.IN.UA Issue 11 (31), 2018

Teleubay Zh.B., Sharapayeva B.Zh.

Journal article


Tourism development and integration in Kazakhstan

Матеріали ХХХ Міжнародної науково-практичної інтернет-конференції «ТЕНДЕНЦІЇ ТА ПЕРСПЕКТИВИ РОЗВИТКУ НАУКИ І ОСВІТИ В УМОВАХ ГЛОБАЛІЗАЦІЇ» 2017 року

Teleubay Zh.B., Bayimbetova A.

Conference proceedings


The full list of publications can be downloaded here.